Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Daily Facial Care

Since college, I followed the ultimate three-steps in taking good care of my skin.  Although I already have fine lines at the age of 33, I notice that I still have a better skin texture, despite having a fair complexion, than most of the younger women I know.  It is acknowledged that fairer skin acquire fine lines earlier than those with darker complexion. 

Having a youthful glow despite my age, I can only give credit to my early practice of this 3 popular step daily facial routine; cleanse, tone, and moisturize.  Doing this routine, I have my own rules.  Stubborn at that, I usually go for the experience rather than listen to every beauty product critic.  If I'm not satisfied with one product, I stop.  With this, I fashioned the way I do this 3 steps.

In cleaning my face, the product should NOT be soap-free and when I said NOT, I want to create a thick lather when I wash my face.  It doesn't necessarily be squeaky clean.  Some soaps or cleanser still have that moisturizing feel after being used.  Again, I want the FEEL of being clean.  I'm not saying that soap-free cleansers can't clean, I just have to have the feel.  You know, being brought up with creating bubbles before rinsing, I used to follow that idea.

In choosing toners, I go for those that refreshes my skin and when I say, refreshes, I should feel it.  Okay, some say a no-no to toners with alcohol content as it dries your face.  But what can I do?  I just need to feel that my skin is cleaned-up more.  I just need to feel that the my pores really tightened.  And lastly, I want that coolness feel when applying toner.  After all, I'm going to use a cream or moisturizer after.

For creams, facial lotions, or moisturizers, as long as I feel a little bit of grease.  Admit it, no matter how these products claimed they aren't sticky or greasy, at some point, they are.  It only varies with their lightness and heaviness. 

Currently, I added a routine to this 3 steps.  I'm now using a serum.  I applied it after I use toner.  I wait for 5 minutes then I apply the moisturizers.

I also plan of adding another routine which is the eye cream.  Yes, I still haven't used an eye cream at this age and I admit, I must use it now to slow the appearance of fine lines.  I'm also seeing crows feet under my eyes.  I guess, it's time.

For the next blog, I'm going to post the products I am currently using.  These products are not necessarily my favorite.  I'm going to write a review for every product I use.  Again, the review is about my experience.  See you on my next blog.

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