Monday, July 14, 2014

4 Seasons of Vanity

I was not into beauty products when I was young, probably, when I reached 18 years old.  However, I already knew then that I have this obsessive compulsive behavior since I was little.  Everything I did, and still do, was numbered like taking a bath, combing my hair, brushing my teeth, etc.  Yes, you read it right.  They're numbered.

I will give you an example.  I forgot how I came up with # 11.  Until now, when I'm taking a bath using a tabo, I must scoop 11 tabo of water upon rinsing or I must massage 11x to create a lather.  Well, that's about it.  If I didn't do it, I'd surely feel uneasy the whole day so before I waste my day thinking I started it with a wrong number, I just gave in to my OC behavior.  It doesn't harm me anyway.  So, that's how I go about my beauty regimen.

Giving in to my OC behavior, I have this so-called 4 seasons of vanity.  Surely, we have 12 months in a year and as the title goes, I divided it into 4 making it 3 months per season.  That would be January-March, April-June, July-September, and voila, October-December.  In the Philippines, we experience different temperature in these season.  To me, it doesn't matter if the coldest season ends in early March or rainy season begins in June.  I just follow these 4 seasons of vanity in changing my products which means I use the same product for 3 months and that's it. 

For January to March, which I consider as the coldest months, I use anti-aging products.  From April to June, of course, the hottest as it is summer in our country, I use products that are refreshing to my skin.  I hate thick moisturizers, creams, and lotions, as they feel very greasy during this season.  For the rainy season, which falls every July to September on my list, I use products that gives me youthful glow.  Rainy season feels gloomy and I, somehow, wants to brighten up my appearance.  And for the last season, the Christmas, when parties are everywhere, I use whitening products.  This is the season I exfoliate my skin and use the most wanted products of our fellowmen.

I follow the above regimen, of not using a single product for over three months, so my skin will not get used to it.  Sometimes, we can't get the best of a single product when we constantly use it.  I just feel that our skin should also have time to rest to certain ingredients in order for it to be effective the next time we use it.  

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